Tous ces petits riens - Charles premier et Zreen Toyz
Electroacoustic, experimental, field recording, sound collage

Coproduction Alter Sonic Records (ASR07) et Gronde Murmure (GM34)

Contrat Creative Commons


  1. 01 . Le briseur de routines
  2. 02 . Entre les parenthèses
  3. 03 . Valse et entrechocs
  4. 04 . Les éclats rebondissent
  5. 05 . Petites aspérités du quotidien
  6. 06 . Bruissements de rêves

To listen and download:
For a mp3 free download: Alter Sonic records or
To listen and for a better flac audio quality downlaod: Bandcamp

To buy the CD-R version:
sold in a carefully and tastefully hand-made packaging

France: 10 euros shipping included
Europe/Rest of the World: 11 euros shipping included


If any question, please contact us: contact (@) alter-sonic (.) com

The album is on sale too here via Metamkine.

About "Tous ces petits riens": One CC from Twenty Thirteen

About Zreen Toyz:

To discover the artist's universe, click here.